Not only will this service improve the look, feel, and value of your property, it’s good for the property and earth, too. Loose dirt, trash, rocks, and soil are more prone to erosion, degradation, sliding, and other common issues.
Heavy rain can cause problems with mud, while loose dirt is easily blown into windows, doors, neighbors homes, or other residential and commercial areas. Spending time on vegetation and sod saves you time, effort, and money in the long run, because you’ll be spending less time cleaning up dirt, worrying about mud, or dealing with potentially expensive negative effects like erosion.
New grass is a stunning addition to any home. Here in Hawaii, thanks to the friendliness of the climate, there is a wide range of grass options available. Warm season grasses do best in Hawaii.Zoysia is a great choice for any lawn, offered in several varieties that are sturdy and tolerant of shade and mowing. They can be considered the more prickly varieties, however, so they are best suited to larger outdoor spaces that have a lot of shade.Another option that was especially popular in the 60s is Bermuda grass. Bermuda grasses can be more cost-effective when grown from seed, but also come in higher-quality hybrid options. There is a wide range to chose from.Another fantastic option for seaside homes is paspalum grasses, which are salt-tolerant. The salt can be cleared from these grasses with fresh-water, making them easy to clear of salt water in seaside homes. Seashore, a specific variety of paspalum, is often chosen for golf courses.
If you’re not in a hurry to get your grass growing, but love a low maintenance yard, centipede grass is a great solution. It has a high shade tolerance while also being slow growing and easy to maintain.
Although it often seems like grass grows quite easily and abundantly (especially where you don’t want it to), planting grasses from seeds requires expertise and experience. The process of preparing the soil for the seeds, knowing when is the best time to plant, which starter seed will work best within your price range, or whether sod is a better option are all questions our experts can guide you through. Even better, once we’ve answered all the questions we need to, we will prepare the soil, plant the seeds, and ensure your vegetation is growing healthy and vibrant in practically no time at all.
Knowing what kind of soil we’re working with is important. We help you learn about the pH level of your soil, and what materials will need to be added.
Another step in preparation is evening out the soil. Raking and removing any rocks, trash, roots, or stumps is foundational to having an evenly growing and leveled lawn or yard.
There are several important steps to take throughout the new grass planting process as well, steps we can do for you, while also teaching you about long-term maintenance requirements. It’s especially important to follow some key steps in the beginning when the fragile seedlings are just beginning to grow.
Another option for growing your best, healthiest, and most even green-space even faster than from starter seeds is by installing sod, also known as turf. These rolls vary in price and type, which we help you chose. We also deliver and install sod, after helping you chose the type best for your needs.
Just as growing an entire yard from seed takes some know-how, choosing the right kind of sod or turf best suited to your needs, environmental concerns, weather, and desired maintenance level are all important factors we take into account when choosing, installing, and maintaining your lawn.